Pietralisa is located in the Monopoli's historic center, on a charming little street called Vico Seminario. Here's how to reach us:
Pietralisa is located in the heart of Monopoli's charming historic center, which has limited traffic access (ZTL - Zona Traffico Limitato). However, the good news is that Pietralisa is conveniently located right at the entrance of the historic center, making it easy to reach on foot.
We recommend parking just outside the historic center, near Caffè Roma (Largo Vescovado). Use this as Google Maps destination and park around here. From Caffè Roma, it's just a 2-minute walk to Pietralisa.
Most streets have free parking spaces on one side (marked with White lines) and paid parking spaces on the other side (marked with Blue lines). With a bit of patience and and touch of "slow Italian living", you can find free parking!